Rule of Law in Malawi: The Road to Recovery
Report of the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI), funded by the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA).
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Rule of Law Reform in Post-Conflict Countries: Operational Initiatives and Lessons Learnt (World Bank)
This paper aims to provide a tour d’horizon of common operational initiatives and policy approaches adopted by agencies and institutions involved in the area ...
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Rwanda's Troubled Gacaca Courts
This article by Christopher Le Mon from Human Rights Brief, a publication of the American University's Washington College of Law, considers the gacaca courts ...
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Rwanda: Shrouded in secrecy Illegal detention and torture by Rwanda’s military intelligence
Amnesty International began to receive reports of enforced disappearances, torture and other ill-treatment by Rwandan military intelligence in March 2010. This ...
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Security Sector Reform in Burundi: Issues and Challenges for Improving Civilian Protection
Prepared by Willy Nindorera, Centre d’Alerte et de Prévention des Conflits, Bujumbura, Burundi.
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Senegal human rights situation: brief overview in the run-up to the Presidential election
Report by Amnesty International.
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Service for Life: State Repression and Indefinite Conscription in Eritrea
A Human Rights Watch report.
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South African Prisoner's Right to Vote: Addendum to "Prisoners' Rights Litigation in South Africa since 1994: a Critical Evaluation" (Research Paper 3A)
Subsequent to the Constitutional Court case in which the right of prisoners to vote was secured prior to the 2004 general election (Min of Home Affairs v ...
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State Violence in Benin
Alternative report to the Committee on Human Rights. Association des Femmes Juristes du Bénin, Enfants Solidaires d'Afrique et du Monde, Human Rights Task ...
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State Violence in Chad: A statistical analysis of reported prison mortality in Chad's DDS prisons
This report documents the death of prisoners inside Chad's Direction de la Documentation et de la Securite (DDS) prisons between 1982 and 1990, and the extent ...
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