Race, gender and socio-economic status in law enforcement in South Africa - Are there worrying signs?
This paper highlights the need for research into how the law is enforced, who is targeted and the socio-economic consequences of arrest and detention. ...
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Recent Publications: Ernest Ojukwu et al Handbook on Prison Pre-trial Detainee Law Clinic
This book review was published in AHRLJ Volume 13 No 2 2013. The Handbook is a useful tool for navigating the relatively new idea of pre-trial law clinics in ...
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Reducing Prison Violence: Implications from the literature for South Africa
Few would argue that prisons are violent places and South Africa is no exception. The consistently high number of deaths and complaints of assaults recorded by ...
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Religion, law and human rights in post-conflict Liberia
This article was published in AHRLJ Volume 8 No 2 2008. Liberia has had a turbulent recent history, and today deals with extreme poverty, high crime, ethnic ...
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Remand detention in South Africa: An overview of the current law and proposals for reform
This research report provides an overview of the necessary research to develop possible solutions for limiting the amount of time remand detainees spend in ...
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Remand Detention in South Africa: Current Law and Proposals for Reform
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Report of the Evaluation of the Independent Prison Visitors (IPV) System (Research Paper No. 5)
In 1999 the relevant sections of the Correctional Services Act was promulgated to provide for the establishment of the Judicial Inspectorate of Prisons. The ...
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Report of the International Commission of Inquiry mandated to establish the facts and circumstances of the events of 28 September 2009 in Guinea
The Commission is in a position to confirm the identity of 156 persons who were killed or who disappeared: 67 persons killed whose bodies were returned to ...
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Report of the Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment: Mission to the Republic of Equatorial Guinea
"... a comprehensive law prohibiting torture and providing for the prosecution of torturers was adopted in 2006. However, on the basis of discussions with ...
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Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review: Swaziland
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