Women in Pre-trial Detention in Africa
This is a publication of of the project 'Promoting Pre-trial Detention in Africa' (PPJA). The objective of this review is to explore existing literature in ...
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A Survey Report on the Application of Bond and Bail Legislation in Zambia 2014
This report by the Zambian Human Rights Commission was based on a survey conducted to collect information on factors affecting access and conditions regarding ...
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Access to Justice for the Poor of Malawi? An appraisal of the access to justice provided to the poor of Malawi by the lower subordinate courts and the customary justice forums
This report by Wilfried Schärf, Chikosa Banda, Ricky Röntsch, Desmond Kaunda, and Rosemary Shapiro sought to inform Malawi Law Commission deliberations. "In ...
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Caught between progress, stagnation and a reversal of some gains: Reflections on Kenya's record in implementing children's rights norms
This article was published in AHRLJ Volume 12 No 1 2012. The enactment in 2001 of the Children's Act was a significant development in the implementation of ...
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Challenging disadvantage in Zambia: People with psychosocial and intellectual disabilities in the criminal justice system
This project investigated how individuals with psychosocial and intellectual disabilities are dealt with by the criminal justice system in Zambia, and ...
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Climate of Terror in Casamance
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Concluding Observations of the Human Rights Committee: Cape Verde
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Constitutionnalité des lois relatives à la procédure pénale et à la détention en Afrique: Côte d’Ivoire
A la suite de l'adoption de conventions internationales des droits de l'homme dans la deuxième moitié du dernier siècle et de nouvelles constitutions à la fin ...
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Additional material on A guide to the rights of inmates as described in the Correctional Services Act and Regulations (revised 2010).pdf
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Guide to the UN Convention against Torture in South Africa
"This publication aims to provide guidance on how the UN Convention against Torture and Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT) can be used ...
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