Prisoners are bottom of the pile: The human rights of inmates in Ghana
"Overcrowding is severe in many of the country’s prisons; food and medical care are inadequate and many prisoners rely on family members and outside ...
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Prisoners' Rights Litigation in South Africa Since 1994, a Critical Evaluation (Research Paper No. 3)
Prisoner's rights litigators face serious challenges when they take on the Department of Correctional Services. There is a lack of respect for the Rule of Law ...
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Prisons in a Democratic South Africa - a Guide to the Rights of Prisoners as Described in the Correctional Services Act and Regulations
The Correctional Services Act (CSA) was promulgated in 2004 creating a human rights based framework for South Africa's prison system. In a sense the prison ...
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Prisons in South Africa's Constitutional Democracy
Prisons serve a set of complex, mutually conflicting and hard-to-achieve goals. Prisons must house people in a humane manner but simultaneously appeal to the ...
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Prisons in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
A series of reports commissioned by the Refugee Documentation Centre, Ireland. Refugee Documentation Centre - Congolese-Irish Partnership, Ireland, May 2002
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Prisons Report and Experience in Implementation of Case Backlog Quick Wins Programme
Presentation by James Mwanje, Deputy Commissioner General of Prisons, Case Backlog Quick Win Review Meeting, Kampala
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Avaliação do Regime Legal e das Práticas por Referência aos Padrões Internacionais
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Proposal for a Strategic Plan and Operational Aspects for the Control of Tuberculosis in Côte d'Ivoire Prisons
Prepared by the Programme National de Lutte contre la Tuberculose from Côte d’Ivoire with the support of Bernard Laouze, Alexandra Sanchez and Marie Catherine ...
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Protecting the right to personal liberty in Namibia: Constitutional, delictual and comparative perspectives
This article was published in AHRLJ Volume 14 No 2 2014. Although the recent Supreme Court of Namibia cases of Alexander v Minister of Home Affairs & Others ...
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Punished for being poor: Outdated offences in the DRC
by Dignité K. Bwiza, University of the Western Cape. This article discusses the status of out-dated offences in the DRC, and its interconnectedness with ...
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