Additional material on Roundtable discussion on oversight over the prison system.pdf
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Journal Article: Unsustainable and unjust: Criminal justice policy and remand detention since 1994
The ‘tough on crime’ approach embodied in bail and sentencing law has had a profound impact on the trends around remand detention, including prison ...
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Policy on the Prevention of Torture and the Treatment of Persons in Custody of the South African Police Service
This policy document seeks to prevent torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of persons in custody of the South African Police Service (SAPS). ...
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UN Security Council resolution 955 on establishing an International Tribunal for Rwanda
This Security Council resolution establishes an International Tribunal for Rwanda and contains its Statute.
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The Security Sector and Gender in West Africa
This report by the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) os an attempt systematically to document the status of gender integration ...
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Inhuman Sentencing of Children in Somalia
Draft report prepared for the Child Rights Information Network, March 2011
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"I can arrest you": The Zimbabwe Republic Police and your rights
This report is by Sokwanele, a popular protest underground movement based in Zimbabwe. "This report focuses on the risk of arrest at the hands of the partisan ...
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Remand Detention in South Africa: Current Law and Proposals for Reform
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South African Prisoner's Right to Vote: Addendum to "Prisoners' Rights Litigation in South Africa since 1994: a Critical Evaluation" (Research Paper 3A)
Subsequent to the Constitutional Court case in which the right of prisoners to vote was secured prior to the 2004 general election (Min of Home Affairs v ...
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Additional material on South African Prisoners Right to Vote.pdf
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