"I can arrest you": The Zimbabwe Republic Police and your rights
This report is by Sokwanele, a popular protest underground movement based in Zimbabwe. "This report focuses on the risk of arrest at the hands of the partisan ...
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'I can't believe in justice anymore': Obstacles to justice for unlawful killings by police in Mozambique
This report renews Amnesty International’s call on the Mozambican authorities to ensure that there are thorough, prompt and impartial investigations into all ...
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'Locking up my rights': Arbitrary arrest, detention and treatment of detainees in Mozambique
This joint report between the Mozambique Human Rights League and Amnesty International looks at the shortcomings of the Mozambique criminal justice system, ...
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'You Don't Know Who To Blame: War Crimes in Somalia'
by Human Rights Watch. "...The population in areas controlled by the Transitional Federal Government and its allies has also been subjected to violations of ...
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“Prison Is Not For Me” : Arbitrary Detention in South Sudan
Report by Human Rights Watch
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A citizen's handbook on the law governing bail in Uganda
This is a publication of the Foundation for Human Rights Initiative (FHRI) and seeks to be a resource to the justice sector and legal profession, as well as a ...
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A Comparative Study of Bail Legislation in Malawi, Mozambique and Burundi
The deprivation of liberty is a serious intervention in any person’s life, and therefore the possibility of releasing an accused person from custody pending ...
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A Review of Civilian Oversight over Correctional Services in the Last Decade (Research Paper No. 4)
The restricted and hidden nature of the prison regime was dramatically apparent in apartheid South Africa, where prisons shunned outside scrutiny and ...
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A Review of the Judicial Inspectorate of Prisons of South Africa (Research Paper No. 7)
This paper reviews the effectiveness of the Judicial Inspectorate in fulfilling this mandate as an oversight structure. Report by Saras Jagwanth
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A Societal Responsibility: The role of civil society organisations in prisoner support, rehabilitation and reintegration
There is a growing number of civil society organisations in South Africa working with offenders and prisoners focusing on prisoner support, rehabilitation and ...
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