New Research Report: Criminal justice, human rights and COVID-19 - a comparative study of measures taken in five African countries - Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa and Zambia
This report covers four cross-cutting topics based on a survey undertaken of five African countries (Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa and Zambia) By L ...
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ACJR Publications
Summary report on consultations with civil society stakeholders: “The NPA that we want”
Much of the media attention given to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) is centered on high-level corruption investigations, especially linked to the ...
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ACJR Publications
NPA Issue Paper 3: Effectiveness and Efficiency | by Jean Redpath
The question of the effectiveness and efficiency of the NPA is key to the proper functioning of South Africa’s democracy. This is because the NPA is the sole ...
NPA Issue Paper 5: Accountability of the NPA | by Jean Redpath
Public accountability is crucial to demonstrating and achieving independence. Accountability through public transparency can achieve the level of prosecutorial ...
NPA Issue Paper 1: In search of strategy | by Lukas Muntingh
This paper problematises the strategy environment of the NPA and raises questions about how strategy is developed, the priorities set and how performance is ...
Policy brief: Local Government and crime in light of the 2021 Local Government Elections
In view of the local government elections scheduled for 1 November 2021, the DOI, through two if its projects, hosted a webinar on 27 October 2021 to reflect ...