Prisons in a Democratic South Africa - a Guide to the Rights of Prisoners as Described in the Correctional Services Act and Regulations
The Correctional Services Act (CSA) was promulgated in 2004 creating a human rights based framework for South Africa's prison system. In a sense the prison ...
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Prisons in South Africa's Constitutional Democracy
Prisons serve a set of complex, mutually conflicting and hard-to-achieve goals. Prisons must house people in a humane manner but simultaneously appeal to the ...
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Prisons Report and Experience in Implementation of Case Backlog Quick Wins Programme
Presentation by James Mwanje, Deputy Commissioner General of Prisons, Case Backlog Quick Win Review Meeting, Kampala
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Reducing Prison Violence: Implications from the literature for South Africa
Few would argue that prisons are violent places and South Africa is no exception. The consistently high number of deaths and complaints of assaults recorded by ...
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Regulations to the Correctional Services Act Government Gazette No. 26626
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Regulations to the Correctional Services Act Government Gazette No 26626
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Remand detention in South Africa: An overview of the current law and proposals for reform
This research report provides an overview of the necessary research to develop possible solutions for limiting the amount of time remand detainees spend in ...
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Report of the Evaluation of the Independent Prison Visitors (IPV) System (Research Paper No. 5)
In 1999 the relevant sections of the Correctional Services Act was promulgated to provide for the establishment of the Judicial Inspectorate of Prisons. The ...
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Report on the evaluation of the Independent Prison Visitors System
The report provides a detailed analysis and evaluation of the Independent Prison Visitors (IPV) system of the Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Services ...
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Review of the Judicial Inspectorate of Prisons of SA (Research Paper No. 4)
This report provides a detailed analysis of the legal mandate and powers of JICS. A number of recommendations are made to enhance its independence, efficiency ...
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