Presentation: Workers in Informal Employment and Access to Space: Challenges and Promising Approaches | by Teresa Marchiori
This presentation was made at a webinar on Sub-national governance and the plight of people working in public spaces on 14 November 2023
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ACJR Publications
Presentation: Sub-national governance and the plight of people working within public spaces | by Nabeelah Mia
This presentation was made at a webinar on Sub-national governance and the plight of people working in public spaces on 14 November 2023
Presentation: Sub-national governance and the plight of people working in public spaces | by Janelle Mangwanda
This presentation was made at a webinar on Sub-national governance and the plight of people working in public spaces on 14 November 2023
Presentation: Dealing with fraud and corruption in municipalities in the Eastern Cape | Advocate Barry Madolo
This presentation was made at the Webinar on the prosecution of corruption in municipalities with Advocate Barry Madolo (NPA) on 14 June 2022
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Resource centre
Presentation: Sub-national 'Policing' in South Africa: Command lines, discipline and oversight | by Jean Redpath
This presentation was made at a webinar on "Sub-national Governance, Law Enforcement and Oversight in Five African countries: Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South ...
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ACJR Publications
Presentation: Sub-national Law Enforcement in Nigeria and Contemporary Challenges | by Rommy Mom (Lawyers Alert)
This presentation was made at a webinar on "Sub-national Governance, Law Enforcement and Oversight in Five African countries: Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South ...
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ACJR Publications
Presentation: Sub-national Governance, Law Enforcement and Oversight in Five African countries: Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa and Zambia | by Janelle Mangwanda
This presentation was made at a webinar on "Sub-national Governance, Law Enforcement and Oversight in Five African countries: Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South ...
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ACJR Publications
Presentation: What is crime data telling us? - Implications for Policy | by Jean Redpath
This presentation was made at a webinar on "What is crime data telling us?" on 15 August 2023
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ACJR Publications
Presentation: Legal Challenges and Administrative Justice and R204 work | by Pamhidzai H. Bamu
This presentation was made at a webinar on The Right to Public Spaces and Informal Work: Key considerations for Law & Policy-Making, 28 June 2023
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ACJR Publications
Presentation: Public Spaces and Informal Work – Principles and Approaches to Policy Making | by Kristen Petersen
This presentation was made at a webinar on The Right to Public Spaces and Informal Work: Key considerations for Law & Policy-Making, 28 June 2023
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ACJR Publications