PRESENTATION: Legal Frameworks applicable during COVID-19 | J Mangwanda
Criminal justice, human rights, and COVID-19 - a comparative study of measures taken in five African countries: Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa and ...
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ACJR Publications
Presentation: NPA - Human Resources | by Lukas Muntingh
The capacity, knowledge, skills and experience of an organisation's workforce will determine largely the extent to which it is able to fulfil its mandate. The ...
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ACJR Publications
Presentation: NPA - In search of strategy | By Lukas Muntingh
Problematises the strategy environment of the NPA and raises questions about how strategy is developed, the priorities set and how performance is measured.
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Presentation: NPA - Measuring Effectiveness and Efficiency | by Jean Redpath
How effective is the NPA? Is measurement part of the problem?
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ACJR Publications
PRESENTATION: Overview - Criminal justice, human rights and COVID-19 - a comparative study of measures taken in five African countries | Prof L Muntingh
Criminal justice, human rights, and COVID-19 - a comparative study of measures taken in five African countries: Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa and ...
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ACJR Publications
Presentation: Overview and key findings | By Lukas Muntingh
Overview and key findings: COVID-19 restrictions and the impact on criminal justice and human rights (Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa & Zambia)
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ACJR Publications
Presentation: Prosecution of corruption in local government | Prof J de Visser
This presentation was made at the Webinar on the Prosecution of corruption in municipalities with Advocate Barry Madolo (NPA) on 14 June 2022
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Resource centre
Presentation: Prosecutors Matter - Magistrates’ Perceptions of Prosecutors
This presentation was made at a webinar on Magistrates’ Perceptions of Prosecutors: Survey Analysis, 22 February 2023
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ACJR Publications
Presentation: Public Spaces and Informal Work – Principles and Approaches to Policy Making | by Kristen Petersen
This presentation was made at a webinar on The Right to Public Spaces and Informal Work: Key considerations for Law & Policy-Making, 28 June 2023
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ACJR Publications
Presentation: Regulating Urban Space at the Sub National Government Level: Good Practices on Participatory Rule Making | by Teresa Marchiori
This presentation was made at a webinar on The Right to Public Spaces and Informal Work: Key considerations for Law & Policy-Making, 28 June 2023
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ACJR Publications