Liberty not the only loss - The Socio-Economic Impact of Remand Detention in the Western Cape
The evidence in this study suggests that the criminal procedural system metes out a disproportionate ‘punishment’ in the form of infringement of the ...
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Occasional Papers
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Presumed Innocent, Behind Bars: The problem of lengthy pre-trial detention in Uganda
by Sonja Pavic and Joanna Kyriazis via a collaboration between Avocats Sans Frontières’ Uganda field mission and the International Human Rights Program (IHRP) ...
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Pre-trial Detention and Torture: Why Pretrial Detainees Face the Greatest Risk
This paper is part of a series of papers examining the impact of excessive pretrial detention. In addition to the socioeconomic impact of pretrial detention, ...
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Prisons Report and Experience in Implementation of Case Backlog Quick Wins Programme
Presentation by James Mwanje, Deputy Commissioner General of Prisons, Case Backlog Quick Win Review Meeting, Kampala
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Pretrial Detention and Health: Unintended Consequences, Deadly Results
Literature Review and Recommendations for Health Professionals. This paper forms part of a series of papers associated with the Global Campaign for Pretrial ...
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The socio-economic impact of pre-trial detention in Kenya, Mozambique and Zambia
Presentation by Lukas Muntingh
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O Impacto Socioeconómico da Prisão Preventiva em Quénia, Moçambique e Zâmbia: Sumário Executivo
O projeto procurou compreender e quantificar a forma como a decisão de deter um arguido afecta os direitos socioeconómicos, isto é, os recursos dos indivíduos, ...
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The Socio-economic Impact of Pre-trial detention in Kenya, Mozambique and Zambia
In many countries people accused of crimes are held in detention before trial. The law permits this detention usually in order to guarantee the appearance of ...
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The African Commission’s Guidelines on Pre-trial Detention: Implications for Angola and Mozambique
This paper by Tina Lorizzo explores the implications of the Guidelines and the similarities and differences between Angola and Mozambique with regard to ...
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