ACJR Specific Submission 2 on the draft SAPS Amendment Bill
This submission considers a selection of the provisions of the draft SAPS Bill 2020 affecting local and provincial government.
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ACJR Submission to the City of Cape Town: Proposed by-law amendments
ACJR Submission to the City of Cape Town: Proposed by-law amendments | May 2020
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ACJR Submission to the Western Cape Provincial Police Ombudsman: Quality of victim support services and democratic policing.
ACJR Submission to the Western Cape Provincial Police Ombudsman: Quality of victim support services and democratic policing | April 2020
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Angolan Policing Overview
This overview of policing in Angola by Julie Berg of the Institute of Criminology at the University of Cape Town is drawn from an overview of policing ...
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Conditions of Police Cells in Namibia
This report written by University of Namibia academics discusses the distinction between police cells and holding cells, and the conditions of police cells in ...
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Fact Sheet 9: Failing to discipline in SAPS (updated 2021)
Recent media reports showed again how police officials grossly misused their power and, against departmental prescripts, used a 'sjambok' to assault a man for ...
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Fact Sheet 13: Sector Policing: The SAPS' seminal strategy
Sector policing is a decentralised, geographical, problem oriented and community-focused approach to policing. Simply put, it requires that every station ...
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Fact Sheet 14: Visible policing: Clarifying concepts and expectations
This fact sheet unpacks the idea of visible policing in South Africa. In so doing, it highlights that the concept should be engaged with critically. It ...
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Fact Sheet 15: Democratic Policing: A Conceptual Framework
This fact sheet discusses democratic policing as meaning (1) the police’s abidance to the rule of law, (2) accountability of the police, and (3) procedural ...
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Fact Sheet 22: Arrest without a warrant in Zambia: Law reform to prevent arbitrary arrest
This fact sheet deals with arrest without a warrant in Zambia. It highlights the legal framework governing arrest without a warrant, the shortcomings in the ...
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