Op-ed: Inadequate and violent policing in KwaZulu-Natal: What's behind it?
KwaZulu-Natal has long suffered from inadequate, corrupt and violent policing. Recent events have simply made it more obvious. The problem of policing in the ...
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Journal article: Democratic policing: A conceptual framework
Democratic policing, as opposed to regime policing, must meet at least three requirements: there is democratic accountability of and for the police; the police ...
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Folha Informativa 15 (Port.): Policiamento Democrático: Um Quadro Conceptual
Esta folha informativa discute o policiamento democrático como significando: (1) a obediência da Polícia ao Estado de Direito, (2) a responsabilização da ...
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ACJR Specific Submission 2 on the draft SAPS Amendment Bill
This submission considers a selection of the provisions of the draft SAPS Bill 2020 affecting local and provincial government.
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ACJR Submission to the Western Cape Provincial Police Ombudsman: Quality of victim support services and democratic policing.
ACJR Submission to the Western Cape Provincial Police Ombudsman: Quality of victim support services and democratic policing | April 2020
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ACJR Submission to the City of Cape Town: Proposed by-law amendments
ACJR Submission to the City of Cape Town: Proposed by-law amendments | May 2020
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Know Your Rights: Police and Military Action During Lockdown
Know Your Rights: Police and Military Action During Lockdown
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Resources on South African Criminal Justice System: Police
Africa Criminal Justice Reform (ACJR) has produced research on the South African criminal justice system relating to the police. This resource list contains ...
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Fact Sheet 22: Arrest without a warrant in Zambia: Law reform to prevent arbitrary arrest
This fact sheet deals with arrest without a warrant in Zambia. It highlights the legal framework governing arrest without a warrant, the shortcomings in the ...
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Fact Sheet 15: Democratic Policing: A Conceptual Framework
This fact sheet discusses democratic policing as meaning (1) the police’s abidance to the rule of law, (2) accountability of the police, and (3) procedural ...
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