Folha Informativa 15 (Port.): Policiamento Democrático: Um Quadro Conceptual
Esta folha informativa discute o policiamento democrático como significando: (1) a obediência da Polícia ao Estado de Direito, (2) a responsabilização da ...
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Journal article: Democratic policing: A conceptual framework
Democratic policing, as opposed to regime policing, must meet at least three requirements: there is democratic accountability of and for the police; the police ...
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Journal article: Modest beginnings, high hopes: The Western Cape Police Ombudsman
In 2013 the Western Cape legislature passed the Western Cape Community Safety Act (WCCSA) to improve monitoring of and oversight over the police. One creation ...
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Journal Article: Unconscionable and irrational: SAPS human resource allocation
The Khayelitsha Commission revealed that areas that are predominantly populated by people who are poor and black are systematically allocated only a small ...
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Killing at will: Extrajudicial executions and other unlawful killings by the police in Nigeria
This is a report by Amnesty International published in 2009.
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Know Your Rights: Police and Military Action During Lockdown
Know Your Rights: Police and Military Action During Lockdown
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Lawyer at the Police Station Door: How REPLACE Provides Legal Aid in Nigeria
The central element of the project, the Police Duty Solicitors Scheme (PDSS), sought to reduce the excessive use of pretrial detention by providing free legal ...
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Op-ed: Inadequate and violent policing in KwaZulu-Natal: What's behind it?
KwaZulu-Natal has long suffered from inadequate, corrupt and violent policing. Recent events have simply made it more obvious. The problem of policing in the ...
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Police Station Visitors' Week Report, Nigeria 2011
The fifth edition of Police Station Visitors' Week (PSVW) was conducted from 31st of October to 6th of November, 2011 in Nigeria. Eight hundred and fifty-four ...
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Resources on South African Criminal Justice System: Police
Africa Criminal Justice Reform (ACJR) has produced research on the South African criminal justice system relating to the police. This resource list contains ...
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