Journal article: Democratic policing: A conceptual framework
Democratic policing, as opposed to regime policing, must meet at least three requirements: there is democratic accountability of and for the police; the police ...
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Angolan Policing Overview
This overview of policing in Angola by Julie Berg of the Institute of Criminology at the University of Cape Town is drawn from an overview of policing ...
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Conditions of Police Cells in Namibia
This report written by University of Namibia academics discusses the distinction between police cells and holding cells, and the conditions of police cells in ...
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Submission by CSPRI to the Portfolio Committee on Police on the Independent Police Investigative Directorate Bill [B15 of 2010] and the Civilian Secretariat for Police Service Bill - B16 of 2010.PDF
The submission deals with two bills, being the Independent Police Investigative Directorate Bill and the Civilian Secretariat for Police Service Bill. The ...
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Submission on the Issue of Relative Resourcing of Police Areas
This is in response to the Commission of Inquiry into allegations of police inefficiency in Khayelitsha and a breakdown of relations between the community and ...
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Fact Sheet 15: Democratic Policing: A Conceptual Framework
This fact sheet discusses democratic policing as meaning (1) the police’s abidance to the rule of law, (2) accountability of the police, and (3) procedural ...
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Resources on South African Criminal Justice System: Police
Africa Criminal Justice Reform (ACJR) has produced research on the South African criminal justice system relating to the police. This resource list contains ...
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ACJR Specific Submission 2 on the draft SAPS Amendment Bill
This submission considers a selection of the provisions of the draft SAPS Bill 2020 affecting local and provincial government.
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ACJR Submission to the City of Cape Town: Proposed by-law amendments
ACJR Submission to the City of Cape Town: Proposed by-law amendments | May 2020
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ACJR Submission to the Western Cape Provincial Police Ombudsman: Quality of victim support services and democratic policing.
ACJR Submission to the Western Cape Provincial Police Ombudsman: Quality of victim support services and democratic policing | April 2020
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