Newsletter 10: Toward better case management in Malawi; toward decriminalisation of petty offences in Africa; toward indicators for pre-trial justice in Africa
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Newsletter 9: Toward indicators for measuring pre-trial detention in Africa; Pre-trial reforms take a step forward in Beira; Evidence for the socio-economic impact of pre-trial detention and implications for rights and states
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Newsletter 8: The right to legal representation in Mozambique and Angola; Kenya by-law arrests; African Commission Pre-trial Guidelines in Angola and Mozambique; South Africa Commission of Inquiry pre-trial findings and recommendations
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Newsletter 7: Women in pre-trial detention in DRC; Conditions at Mpimba Prison; Legal assistance for detainees in Angola; Uniforms for remand detainees in South Africa
In this edition of the PPJA Newsletter we look at: * Women in pre-trial detention: Held for their partners' crimes in Democratic Republic of Congo * ...
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Newsletter 6: Estimating the average duration of pre-trial detention; Criminal procedural provisions unconstitutional in Mozambique; PPJA report on detention oversight
In this edition of the PPJA newsletter: • A back-of-the-envelope method of estimating the average duration of pre-trial detention • An explanation of the ...
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Newsletter 5: Pre-trial detention in West Africa; guidelines on police custody and pre-trial detention; audit of pre-trial detention in Mozambique
Pre-trial detention in West Africa: Prohibitive conditions of release and the nature of bribery in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Ghana; Guidelines on the use and ...
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Newsletter 4: Insight into pretrial detention in Mozambique; Zimbabwe's draft Constitution and pre-trial processes; South African court finds state liable for pre-trial detainee getting tuberculosis in prison
In this fourth PPJA newsletter Tina Lorizzo provides some insight into pre-trial detention in Mozambique, finding that Maputo's prisons are "tired"; Jean ...
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Newsletter 3: Progress on human rights in Mozambique; Outdated offences in Mozambique; Pre-trial detention in Burundi; 'Frais de Bougie'; Outdated offences in the DRC; Measures to improve custody time limit implementation in Malawi
In this third PPJA newsletter we report on matters related to pre-trial detention in Mozambique, Burundi, Rwanda, Malawi and the Democratic Republic of the ...
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Newsletter 2: Outdated offences; Zimbabwe torturers to be prosecuted in South Africa?; changes coming to rules on the treatment of prisoners
This second PPJA newsletter introduces the campaign against outdated offences; discusses whether South Africa is obliged to prosecuted Zimbabwean torturers of ...
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About PPJA
Promoting Pre-trial Justice in Africa (PPJA) aims to collect and organise information on pre-trial justice in Africa and make this available and accessible to ...
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