[Infographic] South Africa's prosecuting authority: How do Investigating Directorates work?
Legislation empowers the President to establish Investigating Directorates within the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA). The offences it may investigate ...
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[Infographic] South Africa's prosecuting authority: How does Accountability work in the NPA?
Accountability means “being responsible for your decisions or actions, and explaining them when you are asked”. The NPA is the only entity in South Africa with ...
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ACJR Submission to the Constitutional Review Committee
Submission by Africa Criminal Justice Reform (ACJR) to the Constitutional Review Committee | June 2021
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ISSUE PAPERS: Key issues in the NPA - Are we understanding the problem correctly?
In a series of five Issue Papers, Lukas Muntingh and Jean Redpath take a few steps back and ask whether we are indeed problematising the correct issues and, if ...
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NPA Issue Paper 1: In search of strategy | by Lukas Muntingh
This paper problematises the strategy environment of the NPA and raises questions about how strategy is developed, the priorities set and how performance is ...
NPA Issue Paper 2: Knowledge, skills and human resources | by Lukas Muntingh
The capacity, knowledge, skills and experience of an organisation's workforce will determine largely the extent to which it is able to fulfil its mandate. The ...
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ACJR Publications
NPA Issue Paper 3: Effectiveness and Efficiency | by Jean Redpath
The question of the effectiveness and efficiency of the NPA is key to the proper functioning of South Africa’s democracy. This is because the NPA is the sole ...
NPA Issue Paper 4: Transparency in high-profile corruption matters | by Jean Redpath
The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) tends to follow a highly secretive and confidential approach to all prosecutions, including those in relation to ...
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ACJR Publications
NPA Issue Paper 5: Accountability of the NPA | by Jean Redpath
Public accountability is crucial to demonstrating and achieving independence. Accountability through public transparency can achieve the level of prosecutorial ...
Op-ed: Decline in convictions could be down to preference for informal mediation | by Jean Redpath
National Prosecuting Authority says there are more resolutions via the alternative dispute resolution mechanism
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ACJR Publications