Presentation: Accountability and Transparency of the NPA | by Jean Redpath
Transparency, Accountability, Independence Independence is an essential feature of the proper exercise of prosecutorial discretion. Independence requires ...
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ACJR Publications
NPA Issue Paper 4: Transparency in high-profile corruption matters | by Jean Redpath
The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) tends to follow a highly secretive and confidential approach to all prosecutions, including those in relation to ...
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Presentation: NPA - Human Resources | by Lukas Muntingh
The capacity, knowledge, skills and experience of an organisation's workforce will determine largely the extent to which it is able to fulfil its mandate. The ...
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Presentation: NPA - In search of strategy | By Lukas Muntingh
Problematises the strategy environment of the NPA and raises questions about how strategy is developed, the priorities set and how performance is measured.
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NPA Issue Paper 2: Knowledge, skills and human resources | by Lukas Muntingh
The capacity, knowledge, skills and experience of an organisation's workforce will determine largely the extent to which it is able to fulfil its mandate. The ...
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Op-ed: Decline in convictions could be down to preference for informal mediation | by Jean Redpath
National Prosecuting Authority says there are more resolutions via the alternative dispute resolution mechanism
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Op-ed: What the Zondo Commission did not say about the NPA and its need of wide-ranging reform | By Lukas Muntingh
That the Zondo Commission did not make recommendations for systemic reform of the National Prosecuting Authority is unfortunate and is a lost opportunity. The ...
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Summary report on consultations with civil society stakeholders: “The NPA that we want”
Much of the media attention given to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) is centered on high-level corruption investigations, especially linked to the ...
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South Africa: Round Table Discussion: Appointing the leadership of the NPA
20 November 2019: Hosted by the Dullah Omar Institute (DOI) and Public Affairs Research Institute (PARI). The Constitution and the NPA Act provide that the ...
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Webinar Series: Key issues in the NPA - Are we understanding the problem correctly?
In a series of five Issue Papers, Lukas Muntingh and Jean Redpath take a few steps back and ask whether we are indeed problematising the correct issues and, if ...
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