Correctional Services Act 111 of 1998
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Estudo da Legislação sobre a caução em Malawi, Moçambique e Burundi
Apresentação de Kristen Petersen
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Constitution de la Côte d'Ivoire (2016)
Côte d'Ivoire's current constitution was adopted in October 2016. La dernière Constitution de Côte d'Ivoire fut adoptée en octobre 2016.
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Directrizes sobre o Uso e as Condições de Detenção, Custódia Policial e Prisão Preventiva em África (PPJA translation)
This is an unofficial translation in Portuguese by PPJA researcher Tina Lorizzo, of the Guidelines on the Use and Conditions of Arrest, Police Custody and ...
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Princípios e Directrizes das Nações Unidas sobre o acesso à Assistência Jurídica nos Sistemas de Justiça Criminal (PPJA translation)
Unofficial translation by Tina Lorizzo of the Guidelines and Principles on Legal Aid, adopted by the United Nations in October 2012.
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Constitution of the Tunisian Republic (2014)
This document constitutes a non-official translation of the text of the Constitution submitted for adoption, in plenary session of the National Constituent ...
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Ghana Legislation
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The Constitution (Sentencing Guidelines for Courts of Judicature) (Practice) Directions 2013
The objectives of these Practice Directions are— (a) to set out the purpose for which offenders may be sentenced or dealt with; (b) to provide principles and ...
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US Department of State Human Rights Report: Côte d'Ivoire 2012
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