Democratic Republic of the Congo Constitution, 2005
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Directrizes sobre o Uso e as Condições de Detenção, Custódia Policial e Prisão Preventiva em África (PPJA translation)
This is an unofficial translation in Portuguese by PPJA researcher Tina Lorizzo, of the Guidelines on the Use and Conditions of Arrest, Police Custody and ...
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Domestic Violence Act 2007
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Draft Statement on Pre-trial detention to be submitted to the 51st session of the African Commission
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Draft White Paper on Remand Detention Management in South Africa
Following the outcome of an interdepartmental project led by the DCS aimed at re-engineering the way in which awaiting trial detainees are dealt with, the ...
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Equatorial Guinea Act on the Prevention and Punishment of Torture (2006)
Ley Num 6/2006, de fecha 2 de Noviembre, sobre la Prevencion y Sancion de la Tortura
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Estudo da Legislação sobre a caução em Malawi, Moçambique e Burundi
Apresentação de Kristen Petersen
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Federal Republic of Somalia Draft Constitution
Harmonized Draft Constitution Signed by Signatories, Unofficial English Translation.
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Fundamental Law of Equatorial Guinea (2012)
Ley Fundamental de Guinea Ecuatorial
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Ghana Criminal Code 1960
Consolidated up to 1999
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