Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (Promulgation) Decree No 24 of 1999 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 5th day of May 1999 Whereas the Federal ...
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Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania
Excluding draft amendments submitted to referendum 25 June 2006
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Constitution of the Republic of Cape Verde (Constituição da República de Cabo Verde)
As amended until 23 November 1999.
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Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda, 2003
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Constitution of the Republic of Malawi (as amended to 1998)
The people of Malawi, recognizing the sanctity of human life and the unity of all mankind; guided by their private consciences and collective wisdom; seeking ...
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Constitution of the Republic of The Gambia
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Constitution of the Tunisian Republic (2014)
This document constitutes a non-official translation of the text of the Constitution submitted for adoption, in plenary session of the National Constituent ...
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Constitution of Togo (1992)
Adopted by Referendum on 27 September 1992. Promulgated on 14 October 1992. Revised by Law no. 2002-029 of 31 December 2002
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Constitution of Uganda (1995)
Constitution of the 8th of October 1995
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Constitution of Zimbabwe
Constitution of Zimbabwe, as amended at the 14 September, 2005 (up to and including Amendment No. 17)
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