Lilongwe Declaration on Accessing Legal Aid in the Criminal Justice System
The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights meeting at its 40th Ordinary Session, held in Banjul, The Gambia, from 15 - 29 November 2006: Recalling ...
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United Nations Principles and Guidelines on Access to Legal Aid in Criminal Justice Systems
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Burundi Bridges to Justice
Burundi Bridges to Justice is a locally registered NGO associated with International Bridges for Justice
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Instituto do Patrocínio e Assistência Jurídica (IPAJ)
Institute for Legal Assistance and Representation (IPAJ)
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Kituo cha Sheria (KITUO): The Centre for Legal Empowerment
KITUO was established in 1973 as a legal aid and empowerment centre.
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Law on Legal Aid (2011)
Loi n°136/AN/11/6ème L relative à l’aide judiciaire
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Lawyer at the Police Station Door: How REPLACE Provides Legal Aid in Nigeria
The central element of the project, the Police Duty Solicitors Scheme (PDSS), sought to reduce the excessive use of pretrial detention by providing free legal ...
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Legal Resources Foundation Zambia
Legal Resources Foundation Zambia is a non-profit Foundation, established in 1993 providing legal aid, promoting human rights and conducting litigation in the ...
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New Legal Aid Law in Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone’s parliament has just enacted a legal aid law which provides for the role of paralegals.
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Princípios e Directrizes das Nações Unidas sobre o acesso à Assistência Jurídica nos Sistemas de Justiça Criminal (PPJA translation)
Unofficial translation by Tina Lorizzo of the Guidelines and Principles on Legal Aid, adopted by the United Nations in October 2012.
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