Correlates of violence in Guinea’s Maison Centrale Prison: A statistical approach to documenting human rights abuses
by Ronald E Osborn, published in 'Health and Human Rights'. Les Mêmes Droits Pour Tous (MDT) is a human rights NGO in Guinea, West Africa that focuses on the ...
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Guinea Criminal Code
Loi N ° 98/036 Du 31 Decembre 1998 Portant Code Pénal L’Assemblee Nationale
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Report of the International Commission of Inquiry mandated to establish the facts and circumstances of the events of 28 September 2009 in Guinea
The Commission is in a position to confirm the identity of 156 persons who were killed or who disappeared: 67 persons killed whose bodies were returned to ...
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This section contains a brief description of the legal system of Guinea.
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Guinea after the Coup: New Opportunities for Judicial Reform
Presentation by Frederic Loua Reagan-Fascell, Democracy Fellow, National Endowment for Democracy.
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Guinea Legislation
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Guinea News and Events
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Guinea paralegals detained and intimidated
Human Rights Watch called on the Guinean government to investigate the role of two high-level officials in the apparent illegal detention and intimidation of ...
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Guinea Publications
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Guinea Resources
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