Code de pénale béninois / Benin Criminal Procedure Code
Ce document est la Loi n° 2012-15 portant code de procédure pénale en République du Bénin.
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Constitutionality of Criminal Procedure and Prison Laws in Africa: Mozambique
This report looks at the constitutionality of criminal procedure and prison laws in Mozambique. The research aims at assessing and analysing the extent to ...
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Submission to the South African Portfolio Committee on Justice and Constitutional Development on the Criminal Law (Sentencing) Amendment Bill [B15-2007]
This submission is made to the South African Portfolio Committee on Justice and Constitutional Development and addresses the Criminal Law (Sentencing) ...
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Presentation on constitutional compliance with international law on the criminal justice process
This is the PPT presentation of the conference paper that Gwen Dereymaeker presented at the 6th YCC Annual Conference on 28 and 29 April 2017 at Koç ...
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Criminal Procedure Act of Tanzania (1985)
19th of April 1985
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Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Act of Tanzania 1988
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Ghana Criminal Procedure Code 1960
As amended by the Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Act 2002 (Act 633) and the Juvenile Justice Act 2003 (Act 653)
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Apresentação na conformidade constitucional do direito internacional e do sistema de justiça criminal em África
Presentation on constitutional compliance with international law on the criminal justice process - Maputo, June 2017
This presentation was made to Mozambican delegates during a seminar held on 7 June 2017 in Maputo, Mozambique.
Gwen Dereymaeker presents paper the 6th YCC Annual Conference at Koç University (Turkey)
ACJR researcher Gwen Dereymaeker presented a paper on the constitutional compliance with international human rights law and the criminal justice process at the ...
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