Arrest and detention of human rights defender in Chad
The organisation Front Line Defenders reported on 8 May 2012 that radio journalist and human rights defender Eric Topona was arrested and taken to prison after ...
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US Department of State Human Rights Report: Chad 2012
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Minurcat: United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad
The United Nations Mission in Central African Republic and Chad (MINURCAT) was established by Security Council Resolutions in consultation with the authorities ...
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"We are all dying here": prisons in Chad
The African Press Organization reports that an Amnesty International Report on Chad to be released on 10 September will detail human rights violations in ...
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This section contains a brief description of the legal system of Chad.
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Ten suffocate in detention in Chad
Forty-seven villagers were arrested by police in connection with the death of a village chief who had been implicated in child abduction cases.
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State Violence in Chad: A statistical analysis of reported prison mortality in Chad's DDS prisons
This report documents the death of prisoners inside Chad's Direction de la Documentation et de la Securite (DDS) prisons between 1982 and 1990, and the extent ...
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Constitution de la Republique du Chad
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