Manneh v The Gambia (2008) AHRLR 171 (ECOWAS 2008)
"..The Plaintiff was arrested by two officials of the National Intelligence Agency of The Gambia at the Daily Observer’s premises in Banjul on 11 July 2006 ...
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August and Another v Electoral Commission and Others 1999 (3) SA 1 (CC) 1999 (4) BCLR 363 (CC)
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Eworho v The Attorney General 1986 BLR 359 (HC)
... the power of detention under section 14(1) of the Immigration Act (Cap. 25:04) (1973 Rev.) is limited to such period as may be necessary for the completion ...
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Lee v Minister of Correctional Services CCT 20 /12, 11 December 2012
Mr Lee contracted tuberculosis (TB) while in prison. He sued the Minister for damages on the basis that the poor prison health management resulted in his ...
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S v Madzokere and Others [2011] ZWHHC 154
"The release of an accused person on bail is aimed at enabling him to attend trial from out of custody. It does not mean he or she has no case to answer. On ...
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Magida v The State Case No 515-04 Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa August 2005
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Masangano v Attorney General & Others [2009] MWHC 31
"The Applicants’ affidavits show that he is a convicted prisoner serving a 12 year prison term effective 2006. He was first at Chichiri Prison but presently he ...
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Min of Home Affairs v NICRO, Minister of Home Affairs and Others v NICRO and Others CCT 03-04 March 2004
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Niemand v The State Case CCT 28-00 Constitutional Court of South Africa October 2001
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Nkunga v The Attorney General 2010 (1) BLR 342 (HC)
Headnote: The plaintiff was a security guard who manned the front gate of the Botswana Power Corporation Training Centre. A number of police officers proceeded ...
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