This section contains a brief description of the legal system of Benin.
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Benin approves new Code of Criminal Procedure
Benin follows recommendations of Committee Against Torture and passes new Code of Criminal Procedure
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Code de pénale béninois / Benin Criminal Procedure Code
Ce document est la Loi n° 2012-15 portant code de procédure pénale en République du Bénin.
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Constitution of Benin
Adopted at the referendum of 2 December 1990
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State Violence in Benin
Alternative report to the Committee on Human Rights. Association des Femmes Juristes du Bénin, Enfants Solidaires d'Afrique et du Monde, Human Rights Task ...
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Table ronde sur les prisons du Benin (Round table on the prisons of Benin)
"Du jeudi 26 au vendredi 27 avril 2012, a eu lieu à l’hôtel Millenium Popo Beach d’Agoué, la table ronde sur les conditions de vie et de détention dans les ...
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US Department of State Human Rights Report Benin 2011
"Prison conditions continued to be harsh and life threatening. Overcrowding and lack of proper sanitation and medical facilities posed risks to prisoners’ ...
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US Department of State Human Rights Report: Benin 2012
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