RESEARCH REPORT: Prosecution Priorities | Dr. Jean Redpath
How to make best use of scarce resources in the criminal justice system. Report by Jean Redpath
A Review of the Judicial Inspectorate of Prisons of South Africa (Research Paper No. 7)
This paper reviews the effectiveness of the Judicial Inspectorate in fulfilling this mandate as an oversight structure. Report by Saras Jagwanth
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Arrested in Africa: An exploration of the issues
Recent research and advocacy efforts have drawn attention to the excessive use of and prolonged pre-trial detention in Africa. At any given moment there are ...
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A Comparative Study of Bail Legislation in Malawi, Mozambique and Burundi
The deprivation of liberty is a serious intervention in any person’s life, and therefore the possibility of releasing an accused person from custody pending ...
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Race, gender and socio-economic status in law enforcement in South Africa - Are there worrying signs?
This paper highlights the need for research into how the law is enforced, who is targeted and the socio-economic consequences of arrest and detention. ...
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Expert report by CSPRI to the Khayelitsha Commission on the independent oversight of police stations
This report deals with the following: the value of independent oversight, foreign and international models of best practice, oversight structures relevant to ...
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Report on the evaluation of the Independent Prison Visitors System
The report provides a detailed analysis and evaluation of the Independent Prison Visitors (IPV) system of the Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Services ...
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Women in Pre-trial Detention in Africa
This is a publication of of the project 'Promoting Pre-trial Detention in Africa' (PPJA). The objective of this review is to explore existing literature in ...
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An Assessment of the National Prosecuting Authority - A Controversial Past and Recommendations for the Future
Twenty years into democracy, the independence of the NPA, in particular the National Director of Public Prosecutions (NDPP), has become a highly contested and ...
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Alternativas à prisão em Moçambique: A implementação do trabalho socialmente útil
Em Dezembro de 2020 entrarão em vigor em Moçambique o Código Penal revisto, o novo Código de Processo Penal e o Código de Execução das Penas. Embora serão ...
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