Fact Sheet 1: Solitary Confinement and Segregation
This fact sheet considers South African and International Law on the issue of solitary confinement and segregation.
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Fact sheet 2: Understanding Oscar’s sentence: Sentencing under Section 276(1)(i) of the Criminal Procedure Act
This fact sheet explains sentencing under section 276(1)(i) of the Criminal Procedure Act, with particular reference to the case of Oscar Pistorius.
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Fact sheet 3: Expungement of a criminal record: crimes committed by an adult
Since 2009 the Criminal Procedure Act provides for the expungement of certain criminal records depending on the sentence that was imposed. This fact sheet ...
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Fact sheet 4: Expungement of a criminal record: crimes committed by a child
The Child Justice Act since 2008 makes provision for the expungement of criminal records for offences committed by a child. Eligibility for expungement depends ...
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Fact sheet 5: The right to a fair trial and the hearing impaired
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Fact Sheet 6: Indefinite imprisonment in South Africa: The difference between life and indefinite imprisonment
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Fact Sheet 7: The appointment and dismissal of the NDPP
The recent announcement by President Ramaphosa to call together a committee of experts to assist him to appoint a new National Director of Public Prosecutions ...
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Fact Sheet 8: The performance of South Africa's National Prosecuting Authority
This fact sheet considers the performance of the National Prosecuting Authority since inception. The data suggests increases in investment have not brought ...
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Fact Sheet 9: Failing to discipline in SAPS (updated 2021)
Recent media reports showed again how police officials grossly misused their power and, against departmental prescripts, used a 'sjambok' to assault a man for ...
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Fact sheet 10: Discussion Document - NPA Accountability, trust and public interest
This discussion document deals with three key concepts associated with the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) and its relation to the public, namely ...
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