Fact Sheet 18: A guide to reading government annual reports
Government departments use annual reports to report on their performance against set objectives stated in their Annual Performance Plans (APP) and the ...
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Fact Sheet 24: Arrest without a warrant in Kenya
This fact sheet focuses on arrest without a warrant in Kenya. Currently in Kenya the situation has been complicated by the legislative powers granted to the ...
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Fact Sheet 25: Arrest without a warrant in Malawi
This fact sheet deals with arrest without a warrant in Malawi. Currently in Malawi there remain laws on the statutes that have not been tested against ...
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Fact sheet 10: Discussion Document - NPA Accountability, trust and public interest
This discussion document deals with three key concepts associated with the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) and its relation to the public, namely ...
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Fact Sheet 8: The performance of South Africa's National Prosecuting Authority
This fact sheet considers the performance of the National Prosecuting Authority since inception. The data suggests increases in investment have not brought ...
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Fact Sheet 19: The role of the police in dealing with petty offences
This fact sheet addresses the role that law enforcement officials can play in dealing with offenders of minor crimes. It emphasizes the use of restorative ...
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Fact Sheet 20: The role of prosecutors in dealing with petty offences
This fact sheet addresses the role that prosecutors can play in dealing with offenders of minor crimes. It emphasizes the use of restorative justice approaches ...
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Fact sheet 29: Sub-national governance and the plight of women working in public spaces in South Africa | by Janelle Mangwanda
The right to work in public spaces has recently become a highly contested issue; and the reality in most African countries is that those working in public ...