Fact Sheet 12: The independence and structure of the prosecuting authority
This factsheet maps the history and structure of the prosecution authority before and after 1994 showing that the independence of the prosecution authority ...
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Fact Sheet 13: Sector Policing: The SAPS' seminal strategy
Sector policing is a decentralised, geographical, problem oriented and community-focused approach to policing. Simply put, it requires that every station ...
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Fact Sheet 14: Visible policing: Clarifying concepts and expectations
This fact sheet unpacks the idea of visible policing in South Africa. In so doing, it highlights that the concept should be engaged with critically. It ...
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Fact Sheet 15: Democratic Policing: A Conceptual Framework
This fact sheet discusses democratic policing as meaning (1) the police’s abidance to the rule of law, (2) accountability of the police, and (3) procedural ...
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Fact Sheet 16: Arrest without a warrant: Guidelines against arbitrary and unlawful arrests
This fact sheet deals with the process of arrest without a warrant and aims to provide guidance on how police officers should test and use their discretion ...
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Fact Sheet 17: The right of prisoners to vote in Africa (Updated)
This fact-sheet provides a brief update on the right of prisoners to vote in Africa. There have been substantive advances and breakthroughs in the promotion of ...
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Fact Sheet 18: A guide to reading government annual reports
Government departments use annual reports to report on their performance against set objectives stated in their Annual Performance Plans (APP) and the ...
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Fact Sheet 19: The role of the police in dealing with petty offences
This fact sheet addresses the role that law enforcement officials can play in dealing with offenders of minor crimes. It emphasizes the use of restorative ...
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Fact Sheet 20: The role of prosecutors in dealing with petty offences
This fact sheet addresses the role that prosecutors can play in dealing with offenders of minor crimes. It emphasizes the use of restorative justice approaches ...
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Fact Sheet 21: The role of the court in dealing with petty offences
This fact sheet addresses alternative ways in which offenders of minor crimes can be dealt with at a court level using a more restorative justice approach. It ...
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