The one-year ‘unwanted anniversary’ of COVID-19 restrictions: Reviewing the 2020 lockdown
This webinar reviews the imposition of a “hard” lockdown on 26 March 2020 by the South African government. It forms part of a series on the "unwanted ...
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South Africa: Round Table Discussion: Appointing the leadership of the NPA
20 November 2019: Hosted by the Dullah Omar Institute (DOI) and Public Affairs Research Institute (PARI). The Constitution and the NPA Act provide that the ...
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Round-table Discussion: South Africa's prosecuting authority
The work and performance of the National Prosecuting Authority (the NPA), and the appointment process of the National Director of Public Prosecutions.
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Round Table on Prisoners on Remand
25 July: The Catholic Parliamentary Liaison Office (South Africa) hosts a round table discussion on prisoners on remand. The programme includes an Introduction ...
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Seminar on the ratification of OPCAT
Organised by the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) and the Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT).
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Seminar: "Rethinking the Encounter with the Police: From Ferguson to Marikana"
Joint University of Missouri - University of the Western Cape Seminar (ACJR; Department of Public Law and Jurisprudence)
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Skills Transfer Training with the Civilian Secretariat for Police Service
Pursuant to research conducted by ACJR on the state of democratic policing commissioned by the Civilian Secretariat for the Police Service (CSPS) of South ...
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Social Justice Coalition and others v Minister of Police and others
Argument resumes for the fourth and fifth day.
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South Africa: State Capture, Accountability and the Media
9 July 2019: ACJR and the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) are co-hosting a morning seminar on 9 July 2019 with three esteemed journalists to explore the ...
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South African Human Rights Commission Dialogue
Ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel Inhuman or Degrading Treatment (OPCAT) and the Establishment of a ...
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