Expert Seminar on draft Independent Policing Investigative Directorate (IPID) Amendment Bill
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II Seminário Formativo sobre Direitos Humanos aplicados à Justiça Criminal na Província de Sofala: O Impacto Socioeconómico da Prisão Preventiva
4 Agosto 2020: Em muitos países, a lei permite a prisão preventiva para garantir a comparência do acusado em julgamento. O Estudo sobre o Impacto ...
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Independent Policing Investigative Directorate Workshop
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Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Services (JICS) Stakeholder Forum
ACJR participates in JICS stakeholder forum
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Julius Osega Memorial Lecture 2021
16 July 2021: The Dullah Omar Institute for Constitutional Law, Governance and Human Rights, University of the Western Cape, and the Centre for Human Rights, ...
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Kenya Workshop on Democratic Policing
15 May 2019: ACJR will be conducting a workshop with police and other stakeholders on democratic policing, in Nairobi.
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Report Launch: Constitutionality of penal and correctional law in Africa: Mozambique
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Launch of report on Children in Conflict with the law in Mozambique
The report, by ACJR and CESAB, launches at the Attorney-General's office in Maputo
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Launch of the South African campaign on decriminalisation and declassification of petty by-laws
10 October 2019: ACJR together with other Civil Society Organizations launched the South African campaign on decriminalisation and declassification of petty ...
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Life imprisonment in South Africa and the world
23 July 2020: Webinar on Life imprisonment in South Africa and the world
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