Consultative meeting: Assessing the prospects for the decriminalisation and declassification of petty offences in Africa
04 December 2019: Representatives from Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa and Uganda met in Cape Town to review a draft assessment tool developed by Africa Criminal ...
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Continental Conference on Access to Justice for Children in Africa
ACJR will participate in a panel discussion on Criminalisation of Poverty: Vagrancy and Related Laws and their Impact on Children’s Access to Justice at the ...
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Criminal justice, human rights and COVID-19 - a comparative study of measures taken in five African countries: Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa and Zambia
Africa Criminal Justice Reform (ACJR) has produced a compendium of reports on the COVID-19 measures taken in five African countries, namely; Kenya, Malawi, ...
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Criminal Justice Symposium on Sentencing and Bail in South Africa
22 June: Speakers: Justice Edwin Cameron, Venessa Padayachee, Thulani Ndlovu, Jean Redpath. The roundtable will kick off with a panel discussion among the ...
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Delegations of the prosecutorial function to state entities: Expanding prosecution of neglected crimes
This webinar will explore the rationale, law and possibilities for delegation of the prosecution function to appropriate state entities.
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Democratic Policing – a conceptual framework to make this happen
28 October 2020: Africa Criminal Justice Reform (ACJR) and the Civilian Secretariat for Police Services are hosting a webinar on 28 October 2020 on democratic ...
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Detention Justice Forum AGM
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DOJCD consultative workshop on the development of a national human rights treaty monitoring, reporting and follow-up mechanism
Toward developing a road map for human rights treaty monitoring and reporting so as to strengthen South Africa’s system of human rights-based planning and ...
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Validation Workshop: The State of Democratic Policing in South Africa
The Civilian Secretariat for the Police Service (CSPS) commissioned research on the state of democratic policing, pursuant to its oversight function.
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Enhancing the Role of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) in the Decriminalisation of Petty Offences: Project Inception Training
19-20 September 2018: The Network of African National Human Rights Institutions hosts this project inception training which will involved an Introduction to ...
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